L’Étape by
Tour de France

L'Étape by Tour de France is a series of amateur races where competitors experience cycling like a Tour de France champion. Working with Alive Entertainment, L'Étape by Tour de France expands to new locations in the USA.

The objective was to unify all races while giving each their own identity with the location.

Miami is the second city in the USA to host L'Étape by TDF. The colorful 70s style and Brickell walls bring together "old and new" to embrace the livelihood of Miami.

L'Étape brand book includes four institutional colors: black, gray, white, and yellow. For L'Étape Miami and the rest of the events that will be held in the USA, yellow will be integrated into the color palette to unify all of the events and indicate that they also belong to the L'Étape worldwide series.

In the sport of cycling, jerseys are the most distinctive piece of sportswear.

At L'Étape events, each competitor receives an event jersey. The goal was to design a jersey in line with cycling fashion trends that competitors would want to continue using, even after the race. This in turn, creates free advertising even after events are over.

As part of a branding project, the following items are used within the course and general event operations.


Vanquish Society